Monday, May 18, 2009

You Wreck Me

I jam out on my way to work in the morning. It wakes me up and gets my feet tapping for the day. Today’s jam out song was “You Wreck Me” by Tom Petty. My husband has seen Petty in concert a few times and he tells me about people flying out of their seats and dancing in aisles as soon as they hear the first few chords. I don’t blame them. I have to all but tie my hands to the steering wheel to keep from playing air guitar as I drive.

After I hit rewind and listened to it a few hundred times, I came up with the bright idea that this should be the Obama administrations theme song. I mean, its perfect…the world is saying:

Rescue me should I go down
If I stay too long in trouble town

If the healthcare industry had an address, I think it wouldn’t be too far from trouble town. There is always hope of moving into a better place, but one can’t just decide they don’t like where they are and move on to greener pastures. We must have a clear idea of where we want to be, how much it costs and if it fits the budget, and if we can all live peacefully there. And then there is the sifting through the junk, throwing out the things that are outdated and useless and finally packing up what works and carrying it with you.

I commend the administration’s effort to get moving on health reform. Trisha Torrey wrote a great piece on understanding healthcare reform. Read more about that at

I can picture the President in his “corduroy pants” with the First Lady saying,

Now and again I get the feeling
Well if I don’t win, I’m gonna break even
Rescue me, should I go wrong
If I dig too deep, if I stay too long

I’d like to take this opportunity and thank the President for his effort and motivation. I’m hoping it doesn’t wreck him because it moves us. It moves us all onto our feet and gets our toes tapping and ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

I believe in my work.


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